Where Does That Highway Go?

Day 10

I set out today to explore the western section of Pictured Rocks, which took me to Munising, a surprisingly colorful little town right on Lake Superior. I heard my first Southern drawl in West Virginia, and here I heard my first Frances McDormand-in-Fargo accent. The visitor center is right next to Munising Falls, so I walked over and basked while I ate breakfast.

Munising Falls, Munising, MI

I also visited Miner’s beach, which had the best view yet of the lake. I cannot stress enough how uncrowded this area is; it only sees a fifth as many tourists as Cape Cod does, and I think it’s just as pretty. I puttered around the woods for a while, spotting some deer and a red-breasted nuthatch, then geared up for lunch. The plan was to try both regional specials, smoked whitefish and Cornish pasty, but given the size of the pasty I devoured, no fish would be had. Beef, potatoes, carrots, and rutabaga in pastry—surprisingly good.

Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, MI

I drove to Marquette, which is not home to Marquette University, but does have Northern Michigan University, where I relaxed and hid among the students moving in. I’m now camped on the western side of the Upper Peninsula. Tomorrow, I ride to Wisconsin.


  1. Grandma

    Nice picture of Munising Falls. Jeff and I did not come across them or the Visitor Center on our drive out there, or Miners Beach. I wonder what they mine in that area. Interesting to me that pasties are available there, A miners lunch. Some shops in NJ had them where we lived in NJ and they are also available in some restaurants in this part of PA. I had a good recipe for them and made them once, same ingredients as what you listed. I thought they were pretty good but Jeff did not like them because he does not like rutabagas. So that was the end of that. I have the same picture as the one you posted of the Painted Rocks. I know just where you were standing. The day before we had taken a boat ride to view them and saw the front of the rocks, late in the afternoon. We found out on the boat ride that they are really pretty in the morning with the sun on them. As for the Fargo accent, you will hear a lot of it. I worked with some people from Minnesota when I was at Prudential and they had the same accent. So do the Canadians. And, as far as they are concerned, we from the north east are the ones with the accents, of course! Glad you are having such good weather and such a good time. Love, Grandma

    • Uncle Dave

      Wow, Jake! Looks like you’re leaving paradise.
      “On, Wisconsin…!”
      I do hope you can avoid becoming a “cheesehead.”

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